No Business Like E-Business: The Spectacularly Simple Secrets Behind How You Can Create A Web Site And Make Money With It Review

I received this book as a gift from a friend, a budding website designer, who knew I wanted to start an ebiz but didn't want to pay the big bucks necessary to have one built for me. After reading it through, high-lighting, underlining and dog-earing the pages as I went, I told him to get this book & read it before he went any further with his website development.
When I was researching hosting, I followed Ravi's suggestions only to learn that he had removed one of his recommendations in the book because of lousy service... how cool is that?
After reading, and using this book, I may or may not pay someone to develop my site further. But the decision will be based on convenience for me not a lack of understanding what is necessary to get up and running.
This book is an outstanding primer and overview for starting your web business and is a must read to get you off on the right foot.
No Business Like E-Business: The Spectacularly Simple Secrets Behind How You Can Create A Web Site And Make Money With It Overview
Here are the questions you need to answer, to be able to create a web site and make money from it:
1. What to sell (products, services, advertisements or a brand)?
2. How to sell (web design, copy writing, technology, getting paid online)?
3. How to get visitors to your web site (generating traffic: free and paid)?
4. How to get them to buy your stuff (conversion: creating something remarkable, pre-selling, branding, trust building, give-aways)?
5. How to keep them and their friends coming back for more (upselling, cross-selling, affiliate program, joint ventures, self-sustaining lead generation)?
Master these 5 areas, one item at a time, and you are golden.
But the real secrets lie in knowing not just what to do, but more importantly, how to do it.
The web is full of information, but the problem is, the web is full of information! No, that was not a misprint - half of what is in this book is probably out there somewhere on the web, distributed among millions of pages. The problem is that the good information is hiding out there along with the bad information, and there is no easy way to find it.
All of that information is of absolutely no use unless someone collects it, reviews it, filters it and validates it. Yes, that last part - validating it - is the most important one. It is so easy to publish your thoughts online, that it has become almost impossible to cut through the clutter and get to the good stuff.
For instance, if you did a Yahoo! or Google search on "Yahoo SEO" or "Google SEO", you will get millions of web pages that supposedly have information about optimizing your web site for Yahoo! or Google. That information is buried within thousands of blog posts, forum postings, newsletters, reports, and niche sites.
If it is all sitting out there for free, then why is it that there people pay Yahoo a one time fee 9, and an ongoing yearly fee of 9 (forever) to get their web site listed in Yahoo's index (on top of that, if you stop paying them, and they will remove your site from their database)? And then there are others who pay hundreds, if not thousands, to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) companies or to buy high-priced commercial tools, in order to get top rankings on Google.
Are these people crazy to pay so much money to others to get their sites ranked on these search engines, when all of that information is available for free? Or are they just too lazy to do it themselves?
The truth is they are neither crazy, nor lazy. The problem is one of validation.
There is no practical way of finding out whether all that information available for free is any good at all, unless someone puts them all together in context, in a meaningful, consumable way - someone who can be trusted as a source, someone who is an authority on the subject, and someone who has done it all themselves - someone like yours truly.
In this book, you will learn spectacularly simple and completely free ways to get a spanking new web site (with absolutely no PageRank, no incoming links, no visitors) not just listed on Yahoo! and Google within days, but also get a top ranking on both these search engines (along with the rest) without spending a single dime on SEO, without exchanging a single link, without building a single list, without sending out a single email, without buying a single piece of software that promises "top rankings".
In fact, you will learn how to use the very same techniques to get not one, not two, but three top Google listings for the same web site, without using even one black-hat or gray-hat technique.
Just the two chapters on Traffic Generation and Link Popularity alone will be worth 10 times the price of this book. But I'll let you be the judge.
*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 16, 2010 09:01:20