Is Uptime Important When Choosing A Host
So, a single computer can then host many independent web sites. When you hear people talk about virtual web hosting this is not a physical server but a physical server which has many operating servers on it. These types of servers are easier to manage because of its ability to be scalable. Both Windows based hosting applications as well as Linux based hosting applications have been hacked. Cheap web hosting is now a popular choice among web site owners. Ecommerce-hosting is a large choice in any business that you decide to run. So hosting is obviously the most expensive services. Small business web hosting is a vital part of any success your company will experience online.
Finding a quality service provider that is cheap is a tedious task. Cheap is not always good. When considering the best web hosting service you will need to know what account features are available to you. The uptime which many web hosts refer to how long a server will operate without having problems. Web hosting uptime is a measurement of the time a computer server has been running, the longer the web hosting uptime the better the service (usually). There are many different factors that will impact a server where you site is located, but companies do their best to keep this downtime to a minimum. Uptime guarantees made by web hosting companies are based off of past information. Many web hosting companies monitor each server to make sure nothing goes wrong and if something does they are notified right a way. Some of the smaller companies might not monitor the servers but larger companies have departments that are dedicated to this.
When a consumers researches web hosting companies you need to look at the features they offer, support and the uptime of the server. One of the important factors when choosing a web hosting company is the uptime, if the uptime is higher than 99% it is good but if the uptime is below 98% you should shy away from the company.
How important is uptime, it is very important, the reason is that if the server is down you will loose money and your customers will not know if you are in business or not. Visit websites on the host server for a while to check for availability. When a customer opts for Dedicated Internet Hosting, an entire server is allotted to the customer's website. You will have a better web hosting experience, you will be more in tune and reliant to your customers and you will have more control. When you host your own server it is nicer because you are not limited to bandwidth, disk space and you have the ability to add websites. Customers like to know that you are in control. In either case the option of having the host manage the server can be of great value to firms that have such needs.
How much storage space do I need? The storage space is no different than your computer's hard drive. Sound and movie files consume larger amount of space.
It is not as easy task finding the right hosting plan. It doesn't matter if the technology is far beyond others, without customer support all of that is worthless. The main feature of shared hosting is that you don't need to worry about possible server problems. From experience, I have learned that providing a good service is what really matters.
Article Source:
David Marc Fishman is the owner of Linknetics, article submission and directory site. The link marketing software that promotes link exchange
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