If you have been looking to find a hosting company that offers good, reliable and value for money low cost web hosting, the search can be time consuming, frustrating and downright confusing. The sales pages of the thousands of companies that compete in this market segment all seem to claim to offer the best service, the greatest features, amazing uptime, free this, free that, etc etc.
It can all get a little overwhelming at times and make you wonder which one to go with. But it doesn't need to be so hard. A good number of these low cost web hosting companies actually offer very good customer service, good technical support, reliable hosting (uptime) and a host of other features and free incentives to get you onboard.
These companies are banking on the fact that they can keep you as a customer for years to come and will eventually make a good profit from you in the long term.
That is why most reputable low cost web hosting companies will offer you a range of free features that can help make your website successful. If your website is successful, it means you will grow and stay with them, and even possibly upgrade to a bigger package to meet your growing website needs.
Features that you should look for as a minimum to be included in your package are the following;
Free domain name - All good low cost web hosting companies now include a free top level domain name when you sign up for a minimum one year period. The name is yours to keep and in most cases can be transferred if you leave after a year.
Advertising Coupons - Receive coupons than can be redeemed with companies like Google and Yahoo in their advertising networks. A great way to kick start you marketing campaign without outlaying any of your own money.
Website Creation Software - Simple to use software that is part of the hosting package that allows you to create a website. The templates that are included with these software packages are professional and if you don't have your own software, are an ideal way to get your first website published, for free.
Money Back Guarantee - All reputable low cost web hosting company will offer at least a 30 day money back guarantee. If there is no money back guarantee, don't waste your time with that company. The last thing you need is a prepay a year's worth of hosting, only to find that the company is awful and you can't get out of your contract.
There are a multitude of other free features and software inclusions that these companies will have available for you and are extremely useful for your website. Most low cost web hosting companies will also have a live "chat" feature that allows you to question their sales team before you sign up. It is a good idea to use this facility to clarify any questions that you have before you actually commit to a hosting package.
With a little research, you will be on your way in no time at all.
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